
Friday, July 24, 2015

Pesto Chicken Pizza

Update on Charlie- still sick... pooped her pants at Costco- that was an experience. I was mortified- stripped her naked in the bathroom, wiped her up, threw her clothes away and carried her out naked. The workers were really nice and rang up my stuff and brought it to me. Everyone feels bad for her, which I get, but she won't remember this... I on the other hand will never forget. 

A little over a week ago I competed in the Pure Michigan Open- last year this was an invite for the best individuals in Michigan (This is last year's post) this year it was teams- a lot of really good teams! Our team was kind of last minute, but we had two strong guys (Dave and Matt) and Mara and me. I had a blast- it's really fun competing on a team and the people I was with are the always supportive and positive types- we had some great workouts (won the rowing event) and some not so good events (1 RM snatch and C&J) and finished in the top half. Not too shabby. :) 

Mara and I teaming up for the toes to bar and dead lifts! We don't compete together a lot so it's fun when we do. 

I strive for recipes that are quick and easy... this is a perfect example of whipping up something tasty on a weeknight with things I usually have on hand. This one reminds me of my cousin Emily (happy birthday!!) because we made this several times with her basil plants while waiting for her first son to be born. :) I also am never opposed to tasting my own recipes when they involve pizza!

What did I have on hand? 

Rotisserie chicken!!! It has so many uses- I suggest you get one every time you go to the store, dead serious. It's easy to put on a salad, snack on with/without dipping sauce, use in any recipe that requires cooked chicken (I use the whole bird in my pad thai), or, in this case, as a pizza topping! 

Fresh basil... tis the season for this in Michigan. This is a great way to use all of that basil from your garden. You could also easily freeze it in ice cube trays and pop out a cube when you need pesto this winter!

Pantry items- my standard pizza recipe ingredients, since we make this at least once a week I always have this... and some sundried tomatoes packed in oil. 

Pesto Chicken Pizza

(serves 2-3 adults- about the size of one, small thin crust pizza)

Pizza Crust- 

- 1 Cup Potato Starch (** Not the same as Potato flour)
- 1/2 Cup Tapicoa Starch (flour)
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
- 1 Egg
- 1 tsp Powdered Gelatin**
- 1/3 Cup warm Water

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
1. In a large bowl, whisk the dry ingredients.
2. In a small bowl, or your measuring cup, mix the water and gelatin.** I have made this without the gelatin and it turns out fine.... but still use the water! :)
3. Combine the dry ingredients, olive oil, egg and the gelatin/water solution. Mix until combined... it will be a very soft- to runny dough. Pour it, or roll it, onto a baking sheet lined with parchment, make it as thin as you want. 
4. Pre-bake 15-20 minutes.

Here's the macros on that in case you make it and top it with something else...

Basil Pesto- 

  • 3 cups Loosely Packed Basil
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Water
  • ¼ cups Pine Nuts
  • 3 cloves Garlic, Chopped
  • ½ teaspoons Salt
  • ¼ teaspoons Black Pepper
  • *A little raw parmesan would be a nice addition if you aren't going paleo*

Pesto:In a food processor, combine the remaining olive oil, water, basil, pine nuts, garlic, salt and pepper. Pulse until the pesto is your desired consistency, adding more water or olive oil if needed.


- 1-2 Cups Rotisserie chicken, or cooked shredded chicken 
- 1 Cup Sundried Tomatoes, chopped
- 1 Cup Mozzarella Cheese (optional)
- Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes (optional)

Putting it all together-
Keep the oven at 425 degrees...
 1. Top the pre-baked crust with the pesto...

sundried tomato...

chicken....and then the cheese and pepper flakes if you are adding those!

.......bake until the toppings are warmed/melted- about another 5-10 minutes
Viola! Beautiful!