
Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Peanut" Butter Easter Eggs

I love holidays... I am not even remotely a religious person, but I like anything that brings family together. This year I will not have Charlie :( but I am deciding to make the most of it by going to the box and cheering on my mom as she competes in the 4 master's workouts for CrossFit. Have I mentioned that my mom is totally bad ass and placed 130th-ish in the WORLD in the CrossFit Open for 55+? Well she is and she did. So I plan on doing the WODs with her and bringing these to share... after all the people at CrossFit are family too!
To make these eggs the same size I used my scoop made for making cookies... it was a gift from my cousin Emily...thanks Em!!

 "Peanut" Butter Easter Eggs

(Printable Version)

- 1 cup Sunbutter (or a nut butter if you aren't allergic)
- 3 Tblsp  Coconut Oil (or real butter)
- 2 Tblsp Raw Honey
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract 
- 8 Oz. Nut/Dairy Free Chocolate

1. In a small sauce pan, combine the coconut oil, sunbutter, honey, and vanilla. Once it is smooth, put the mixture in the fridge for at least a half hour- makes the "eggs" easier to roll. :)
2. Using your hands and a tablespoon, make small eggs and place them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. (This recipe makes 12-15 depending on the size of the eggs). Place these in the freezer for a half hour.
3. Melt the chocolate over a double boiler. Using two forks, roll the eggs in the chocolate and place them back on the cookie sheet. Then back in the freezer they go for another half hour or until you want to eat them! 

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