
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cool Cucumber "Noodle" Salad

I just got back from Florida with my parents and Charlie for spring break. They have a condo there sort of as an investment and it is beyond gorgeous. After this past year it was so nice to get away and relax. It was Charlie's first time at the beach and the ocean and she learned so many new words: gecko, tennis, beach... So fun to watch her grow and learn.
When she was napping I spent my time catching up on some reading and found myself irritated with some social media posts, blogs, etc. I refuse to think that elaborate meal plans, 3-4 workout activities per day, blah blah blah is what it takes to be fit, and really one of the main reasons I started this blog- it doesn't take crazy amounts of time and energy to eat clean and you don't have to workout 16 times a week... I workout 3-5 days a week and prep food ahead of time or make stuff that I can make quickly or bake off throughout the week. Will I go to the CrossFit games training like I do? No, very likely I won't, but that doesn't mean I don't have fitness goals and can't compete locally to be the best I can be. All I am saying is set goals, take baby steps, and don't forget that you can probably do more than you think you are capable of.
So now that I'm back to reality of getting ready for another week of work I decided to bring out my spiralizer and make a refreshing salad that will be perfect for a light lunch as the weather warms up. I make my sauce in the container I store my food in just to save dishes and today I baked a bunch of chicken and will freeze a lot of it so I don't constantly have to be baking chicken. This is also tasty with some red pepper flakes sprinkled on it but Charlie will be eating it so I am omitting them :)

Cool Cucumber "Noodle" Salad

(Printable Version) 

- 2 English cucumbers (or peeled regular cucumbers)
- 1 pound cooked chicken breast (diced)
- 1 Tblsp Fish sauce
-  1 Tblsp Sunbutter (or other nut butter)
- 1 Tblsp white vinegar
- 2 Tblsp Lime juice

1. Spiralize (or use a peeler to make strips)the cucumber and sprinkle it was salt. Set it in a colander or sieve over a bowl and let the water drain out for at least a half hour, tossing occasionally. This would also be a good time to bake the chicken. I've let this sit for 2 hours before! Don't skip this step! The salad will become watery.
2. Whisk the sauce together. Combine the chicken, cucumber, and sauce- toss and either refrigerate or enjoy immediately. 

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