
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fresh and Easy Snack- Pears with Sunbutter, Coconut, & Chocolate Chips

Saving one of the hardest workouts of the week for my make day at open gym on a Saturday maybe wasn't the best idea.... But it's good to push yourself when you're tired right? ;) I have to say open gym was impressive today... Former student of mine, who just started, working on her pull-ups, a bunch of guys killing "Maven Kong", and various others doing bar and ring muscle ups. My sister and I decided to top it off with an easy two mile run... Ugh. When I got home I was so hungry, but I desperately needed a shower before Charlie woke up so I made this quick snack to sustain me and it was so good! I started having allergic reactions to apples after my pregnancy so I would say this would be awesome with apples but since they would kill me I used pears.

Pears with Sunbutter, Coconut & Chocolate Chips
- 1 pears, sliced in thin pieces
- Nut butter (I used sunbutter)
- Unsweetened Coconut
- Dairy-free mini chocolate chips

- Spread the nut butter on the pear slices and sprinkle with coconut and chocolate chips.

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