
Monday, April 28, 2014

Asparagus Stuffed Chicken Wrapped in Bacon

I think the title says all that needs to be said about this recipe! I made something similar to this last summer and it was chicken stuffed with cream cheese, etc. that was fantastic but definitely not healthy! Here is another way to get your veggies in with your protein. I made four of these, ate one for dinner, and immediately packed up the rest for three lunches this week....done! I like mine with Steve's Paleo Siracha sauce but it doesn't technically need a sauce. I love dipping and condiments though. The bacon keeps the chicken really moist and it is fairly quick to put together... get those veggies in!

The finished product... almost too pretty to eat!

In the pan ready to go- no oil needed. 

Asparagus Stuffed Chicken Wrapped in Bacon

(Printable Version)

- 4 Chicken Breasts
- 1 lb of asparagus
- 4 tsp of Cajun Seasoning (I know this is weird but 1 tsp goes in each chicken)
- 2 tsp Salt
- 8 pieces of bacon

Preheat over to 425 degrees.

1. Pound the chicken until it is 1/2 inch thick. I put plastic wrap over my chicken and smash it with a rolling pin. You think smashing garlic is stress relief? Try this.
2. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp Cajun Seasoning on the breast. Top with 1/4 of the asparagus spears- laid out flat. Roll the chicken and wrap in two pieces of bacon.
3. Repeat with the remaining breasts. Put the chicken in a large glass baking dish (no need to oil pan) and cover loosely with aluminum foil. (This prevents bacon splatter) Bake for 45-1hr. If the bacon is not crispy enough, broil for the last couple of minutes.

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