
Friday, August 24, 2018

Bread Making 101

If you are public on social media it is not uncommon for trolls to come out... reminds me of the bullies I see in the high school I teach in. It is so much easier now to be mean because you are hiding behind a computer. I have also noticed an increase of tantrums when people don't get their way and forgetting that freedom of speech does not mean there are not ramifications for what you say. The anonymity of the internet seems to make people think they can say whatever they want no matter how rude or uncalled for. So from the guy who recently told me that I am too thin and need to eat a hamburger (?? ummm I didn't ask for your opinion on how I look, I do eat them and thanks for missing the point of my post) someone else said something to me the other day that I found fairly rude. 

She was trying to get me to join her "team" of beach body coaches and said since I post about fitness anyway (but don't and never will do beach body) and I should make money off the people I motivate and the money I could make could help me leave my job and then I wouldn't have to leave my child every day in daycare for someone else to raise. First of all I don't need a monetary award for inspiring people, it is not my intent in the first place... second, I like my job, I don't want to quit.... and third, I think daycare is good for my children. They are socialized, taught, and loved there, but know damn well I am their mother and no one is "raising" my kids for me. They are just being raised in a way that is different than if I were at home, which I think is better for all of us and works for my family. Charlie is social, loving, confident, independent, and smart... and she progressed from daycare to school without issue and I love the child she is today so I don't I raised her poorly by being at work 10 months of the year and I assume the same will be true for Mila. Go back to your hole trolls.

On to the positives! This summer I have gotten really into two things... 1) growing "sprouts" or microgreens with Charlie and 2) Bread making. I had no idea it was actually quite easy and the only issue is the time it takes. I have been making around 2 loaves a week for over a month now, along with other things like pita bread, and so I thought I would share my favorites!

I read so many blogs and websites trying to find the best method for bread making without kneading forever. I also didn't want to let the bread rise overnight because that's honestly annoying. So I came up with my own recipe using fast-active yeast so that the bread doesn't need a second time to rise, and it can be ready in under 2 hours... don't worry, most of that time is waiting :)

Fast No-Knead Crusty Bread

This dense and crusty bread is a favorite of Charlie's with homemade tomato soup... I highly recommend Cookie and Kate's version, found on her blog or in her cookbook "Eat Real Food." 
*If you would like it less dense, use more all-purpose flour and less whole wheat. 

- 2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 Cup All-purpose Flour
- 1 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1-2 tsp Honey, or Sugar, or Maple Syrup
- 2 1/4 tsp Dry Fast-Acting Yeast (one packet)
- 1 1/2 Cups Warm Water (heated to 120 degrees, I do this by feel- it should be really warm but not "hot" because you don't want to kill the yeast)
- Olive Oil

1. Add the honey and yeast to the warm water and set it aside. Whisk the flours and salt. 
2. Add the water mixture to the flour and stir gently until a dough starts to come together. If it is too sticky add a bit more flour. Once it become dough-like I use my hands and knead it lightly just until a ball is formed- kind of sticky is ok! 
3. Drizzle olive oil around the bowl and roll the dough in it so it doesn't stick to the sides as it rises. Cover with a tea towel and set it aside for about an hour until it doubles in size. 

*After 30 min*
Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees and place your dutch oven inside while it is heating. 

*After another 30 min*
Carefully dump the dough onto a lightly floured piece of parchment. Take the dutch oven out of the oven and lift the parchment (with dough on it) carefully and place inside the dutch oven. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake for another 10-15 minutes. 

Notes- I have added a quarter cup of oats to this bread and that was also yummy! 

Keep the bread in a bread box, or plastic (unsealed bag)- remember there is not nearly as long of a shelf life for homemade bread and you don't want it to get moldy! 

Due to the texture this bread is much better toasted... I have a different recipe I use for sandwich bread! 

We have also made pita bread using this recipe-

So good with tandoori chicken!

And our go-to sandwich bread is here-

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