
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Easy Ratatouille

Enjoying my last few mornings home before going back to work... my mom took this picture of her french press coffee, fresh fruit, and one of my granola recipes... tasty breakfast, beautiful morning, why does it have to end? :)

Tis the season for summer vegetables like squash, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. They are cheap, fresh, and everywhere! A lot of ratatouilles have eggplant in them too, but I don't care for it and didn't have any so I omitted it. :) I also cheated with this dish and didn't make my own marinara with my tomatoes or use fresh garlic/onion, but I found a brand of marinara with not much added to it and didn't want to get another pan dirty sautéing onions and garlic. Lazy. I ate this as a side dish to grilled chicken, added some sweet corn that I had left over another day... with a family I assume it won't last more than one meal!

Easy Ratatouille 

- 1 Zucchini
- 1 Yellow Squash
- 1 Bell Pepper
- 3/4 Cup Marinara or Tomato Sauce (check labels for sugar)
- 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
- 1/4 tsp Onion Powder
- Pinch Red Pepper Flakes
- Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 375 Degrees.

1. Using a mandolin (I had mine set to 1/16"), slice the zucchini and squash- if you don't have one just do very thin slices with a knife.

2. Cut the pepper into thin strips. 

3. In a glass baking dish, or pie dish, spread the marinara and sprinkle with the red pepper flakes. Alternating with the zucchini and squash, start on the outside and over lap the slices working your way towards the middle. 

Top with the pepper strips. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. Cover with foil and bake 15 minutes. Remove the foil and bake another 15 minutes. 

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