
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Orange Salmon with Pineapple Salsa

It is spring break...yay!!! The perks of being a teacher. :) I know other parents can relate- staying at home all day with a child is not much of a break from working. I wouldn't say one is harder than the other, they are just both fatiguing. I think my biggest challenge with staying home with her is the lack of adult interaction and relentlessness- I have been lucky my mom and sister babysat so I could go to the gym three times this week- but the rest of time it is just me. No break. No home comes home to help. No one is here to entertain her. I am it. And oh-my-gosh is she into EVERYTHING. I can't turn around, go to the bathroom, make dinner, etc. without her getting into something or wanting to "help" which makes the process slower and messier. Phew! I need a break from my break! 

As with anything in life you can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Things have to change if you are not satisfied with how they currently are--- this applies to relationships, work, fitness, etc. I know I could tell myself this about many things in my life, but as far as food is concerned I know I need to make a change to make my fitness better. I have said it before- I need to eat more, bottom line. I have started tracking what I eat, again, something I hate doing, but it is necessary for me and eye-opening to how little I eat in a day sometimes and why some days I feel more fatigued then others. I am following something written by my friend, dietician, and CrossFit athlete, Josh, and my friends Amber and Mara are doing the something similar for their body-types/goals. It is always good to do something like this with friends to hold yourself accountable. I am using MyFitnessPal to track everything and I completely changed the settings (see above) :) I currently weigh 115lbs, am 30 years old and 5'2".... I want to weight 130lbs. I am hoping taking my eating as seriously as my workouts helps! 

Wild caught salmon that was previously frozen was on sale at Whole Foods so I had to get some. Charlie eats fish also so I thought this light dinner would be perfect for the two of us. :) Pineapple that was already cored was also on sale- the expiration date was a day away, but since I was making this tonight who cares!! The honey makes the salsa more palatable for her because of the heat-factor, but my child is definitely mine because she can take some heat! 

Orange Salmon with Pineapple Salsa 

(Printable Version)

- 2 Salmon Filets (about 5 oz each)
- 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
- 1 Orange, juiced, zested
- 1/2 Pineapple, cored and diced into cubes
- 1 Jalapeno, seeded and minced
- 2 Tbsp Red Onion, finely chopped
- 1 Tbsp Raw Honey (optional)
- Salt and Pepper

Preheat Oven to 450 Degrees. 

1. Pineapple Salsa- Mix the pineapple, jalapeno, red onion, 1/2 orange juice/zest, honey (optional), pinch of salt and pepper. Set it aside. (if you have any lime, a squeeze of that would be good too!)

2. Salmon- Mix the mustard and the rest of the zest/juice. Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper then pour the marinade over it. I baked mine in the same pan I did this in. Skin-side down. Bake 12-15 minutes. Salmon should be the same firmness throughout and flake easily. Serve with the pineapple salsa. 


  1. I made this recipe and it was delicious! I did use canned pineapple tidbits in place of fresh pineapple in the salsa.

    1. I'm so glad! I use canned pineapple in a lot of things because it is cheaper and more convenient! Just watch for added sugar :) Thanks for the feedback.
      - MomAsRx
