
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spiced Scotch Eggs... The Open 15.2

Open working 15.2 was a repeat of 14.2.... chest to bar pull-ups and overhead squats. As defeating as this workout is, I chose to do it twice because I only scored 10 reps higher than last year and I really thought I could do better. Apparently not. Go #2 I only did 1 more rep, and I get it, more is more, but it's still a moment what motivates me to train harder because missing the next round by 4 reps, twice, is not a good feeling. I had also gone out the night before for my birthday, had some adult beverages, and that  probably was not a good idea- but I am not going to lie and say it wasn't worth it. My friends at the box are some of my favorite people and I am so grateful I got to have a night out with them.
For a moment of cuteness... My mom is competing at the master's level and Charlie helped her warm-up. I love how many strong female she is growing up with. This picture captures my role model and motivation all in one.

Scotch eggs are usually sausage wrapped around an egg, breaded and then fried. I tried to lighten my version up by baking them, and omitted the breading on the outside. Protein wrapped protein... what's not to love?!? Because I am not using sausage I read a bunch of recipes and noticed another option uses warm spices like nutmeg and cloves. I don't care of either of those, but thought garam masala (Usually cumin, coriander, cardamon, pepper, cloves, nutmeg) would be a flavorful substitute. If you haven't tried it before you might want to before you make a batch. You also could use Italian seasoning or just salt and pepper. I didn't eat mine with any sauces since I used a powerful spice mix, but hot sauce or ranch-type sauces seemed to be a common theme. 

Spiced Scotch Eggs

(Printable Version)

- 1 lb Grass-Fed Ground Beef
- 6 Hard-boiled Eggs, peeled
- 1 tsp Garam Masala
- 1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
- 1/2 tsp Cinnamon (optional)

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees

1. Mix spices in with the beef- careful not to over-mix.

2. Form 1/6 of the meat (about 1/3 cup) into a patty- place an egg in the middle and carefully wrap the meat around it, forming a smooth ball. Place the ball on a parchment lined cookie sheet and do the same with the remaining 5 eggs.

3. Bake 18-20 minutes. 

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