
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Avocado Mug Cake... The Open 15.5

Well this is it.. the open is over for me. I have repeated every workout, but I think I can safely say 15.5 is not one I will redo. It does not have any of my strong suits in it and, aside from wall balls, rowing is my least favorite CrossFit activity. Thrusters are hit or miss for me... I have done Fran unbroken, but for whatever reason this workout combination killed me on the thrusters. My arms were shaking and my triceps hated me. I am just honestly ready to train without fear of what's coming again and begin my strength training for next year. It is blatantly obvious strength is my down fall and the open has a way of showcasing your weaknesses. I also really like how you can compare from year to year... two years ago in my first open the weights in this year's open would have been impossible. I have to remember to be proud of my improvements. I actually contributed to our team this year!! :)

 The number on the left is my place in the region, my number in the parenthesis is my score... 15.1 (you can't see it) I was #236, the rest you can see are also in the low 200s aside from the 15.1a... the 1RM Clean and Jerk. Ugh. I need to get stronger... until next year CrossFit Open! 

I know what you are going to say... that sounds weird. Well avocados were on sale, I have a lot of ripe ones, they are a good fat, and I eat them all the time. Although it has a bit of an avocado flavor, it just adds healthy fat and density to the cake. The coconut flakes and chocolate chips definitely come through and I ate mine with Breyer's ice cream. Num Num Num. Getting those calories in! Mass moves mass... operation gain weight and get stronger has started. :)

Avocado Mug Cake

(Printable Version)

- 1/2 Small Avocado (about 3 Tblsp)
- 1 Heaping Tbsp Coconut Flour
- 2 Tbsp Raw Honey
- 2 Tbsp Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
- 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
- Pinch of Salt
- 1/4 Cup Milk (any kind- if it looks way too dry add 1 more tablespoon)
- As many Enjoy Life! Non-dairy Mini Chocolate Chips as you want

1. Mash the avocado in a large mug.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix really well. (as it sits the coconut flour thickens the batter)

3. Microwave 2-3 minutes until the cake starts to pull away from the sides. Enjoy- but be careful- these come out HOT! 

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