
Monday, February 2, 2015

Pancake Muffins

We just got hit with over a foot and a half of snow... 3rd biggest snow fall in our area's history.... so what does that mean for us?! Well since I am a teacher I have the glorious thing known as "snow days" although most people couldn't make it to work today even if they were supposed to. I am sore from the weekend's workouts, but the massive amount of snow made sure my snow blower couldn't handle it and I got a great workout in shoveling. When it warmed up a bit we put on all of our snow gear and played in the yard and then I did a couple of sled pulls around the blocks... I don't know if it was the boots, the snow, or pulling a child but I was panting and sweating. Love getting a workout in while having fun. People can say all they want about CrossFit, but shoveling heavy and deep snow is so much easier when you are in good shape and strong enough to do it.... not to mention have the energy to play with your kid afterwards too. :) Functional fitness at its finest.

It was one of those incredibly sunny but deceivingly cold days- my Grandpa Guernsey's favorite. My little mini-me was so excited to play in the snow she wouldn't do anything but her squishy smile face of pure joy... and yes, I am aware I have big teeth...

Since it was a snow day I thought we could make something special for breakfast- I re-did my pancake recipe to make them fluffier and put the batter in muffin tins to make them more fun. Charlie and I made blueberry for her and chocolate chip for me... you could top them with whatever you want and the glorious thing is that everyone can top their own!

They were a hit! She ate two plus extra blueberries and extra syrup.

Pancake Muffins

(Printable Version)

(Makes 12 Muffins, or 24 minis)

- 3/4 Cup Coconut Flour
- 1/4 Cup Tapioca Flour
- 1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
- 2 Tbsp Raw Honey
- 1 Cup Milk (any kind you want... or water)
- 3 Eggs
- Pinch of Salt

- Blueberries
- Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips
- Cinnamon
- Nuts

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

1. Whisk the dry ingredients together, add the wet ingredients and whisk until smooth.

2. Butter, line or oil your muffin tins. Pour the batter in each one, 1/2-3/4 full. Add the toppings. If you are using blueberries or chocolate chips push them in a little. Bake 15-20 minutes. A toothpick inserted in the center should come out clean, and the tops should be firm, or bounce back when pressed.

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