
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Ingredient Banana Coconut Cookies

I have finally switched over my decorations... I change out the decor on my built in shelves, my pillows, towels, etc. for the seasons and holidays.. and so it is Valentine's Day decor currently. :) I get it, Valentine's Day is a "day" not a season or really a holiday but whatever... it's my house, even Charlie's little chair gets a heart pillow. Even though I'm not dating anyone, my little love will be my Valentine this year, and always, and I like the daycelebrating love anyway.

My mom is still doing her Whole30 kick and I know that baked goods are off limits.... but I wanted to help her out and the ingredients in these are acceptable for Whole30... I know... it doesn't matter... so throw them in a pan and cook them that way and now they aren't a baked good...hehehehe.

I am not going to lie, my original idea for these involved oatmeal, but since that's not allowed on Whole30 I thought that maybe coconut would work and I also accidentally had two open bags-- oops! Coconut also came to mind because coconut and bananas together are delicious- I have been baking bananas sprinkled with coconut and cinnamon and EnjoyLife chocolate chips for dessert... why not turn it into a cookie! Just add an egg to hold them together and poof! Cookie! I am calling them five ingredients because salt doesn't count.

Banana Coconut Cookies

(Printable Version)

Makes 8-10 Cookies

- 2 Large Bananas, they don't have to be mushy ripe... just regular, not green bananas
- 1 3/4 Cups Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
- 2 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 Egg
- 1/4 Cup Dried Fruit ... I used dried cherries- be sure to check for sugar
- Pinch of Salt
** Optional ** Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips (non-dairy)

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
1. Put all of the ingredients except the dried fruit/chocolate chips in a food processor and pulse until combined. If you don't have a food processor, mash the banana by hand and then mix.

2. Add the dried fruit and pulse a few more times until it is broken up and combined. Stir in chocolate chips if you are using them.I sprinkled some on top too because I am naughty. 

3. The "dough" will be wet, but you will be able to form patties. Place the patties on a parchment lined cookie sheet. I made mine 2-3 inches in diameter and 1/4- 1/2 inch thick, patting them down so they are flat. Bake 20-25 minutes until the cookies are firm. Store in the fridge in an air-tight container.  

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