
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sore Throat Syrup

Since I didn't have Charlie-girl until Christmas Day, I spent a lot of my time at the box, actually getting to do everything in the programming. It is safe to say I am tired and sore and it is great. Sweat angels are the best :)

I don't know what it is when she leaves, but I have been sick the past two times I have been alone. It's like I finally get a second to relax and my body gives up also and I'm sick. My mom made me a jar of this when my throat was hurting this week, and after a couple of revisions, I think it is safe to safe I am obsessed with it. I drink it before bed, made some for sick friends and since I am not working for winter break, I usually have a cup or two during the day. I am not sure if it actually made my throat feel better sooner, but the warm liquid is soothing and drinking more water is always a good thing. The jar can be stored in the fridge at least a month, but I doubt it will make it that long! I think it would also be really good in tea. 

Sore Throat Syrup

(Printable Version)

- 1 Lemon
- 1 Stick of Cinninmon
- about 1" Fresh Ginger, grated (about 1 Tbsp)
- Raw Honey

1. Wash the lemon. Cut it in half, save 1/2 half for juice, and then cut the other half into thin slices. If you don't want a strong lemon taste, thinly slice the whole lemon and put it in the jar. 
2. In a jelly, or small, jar add the juice of half the lemon, ginger, slices of lemon, the cinnamon stick, and fill the rest of the jar with raw honey- let it settle between the cracks and make sure you have as much as you can. 
3. Put the lid on and store in the fridge at least the day or overnight... the long it sits the better it is.
4. When you want to drink it, stir or shake the jar, and use 1-2 tsp of the syrup for every cup/mug (8oz) of hot water.

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