
Friday, December 12, 2014

Beef and Vegetable Soup

This weekend starts the second longest time I have been away from my peanut. She is headed to New York with her dad and I won't see her from Friday morning until Tuesday after work :( I will obviously keep myself busy, but it never gets easier saying "bye" even if it's just a night. I am used to having her around- my house is too quiet when she is not and there is no one to talk to- eventually I will get a dog again I think. :) I realize I can go out with friends, stay with family, etc. and it isn't that I can't be alone, I just don't like it, and I don't want to stay somewhere else, I like my house-- it's a hard feeling to describe. This summer, when she was gone a week, I wasn't working so I had spent every day for weeks with her, I was dating someone so we spent the week together, I could go out with him without worrying about a babysitter, and the summer is just nicer weather-wise so doing things outdoors and gardening, etc. kept me busy. Now that I am working, I don't see her as much so it makes this time I don't have her even worse, plus this deary cold weather just makes you feel down. She also threw up in my car last night, so I have that to remember her by all weekend as the smell is still lingering.... 
PS people- if you see someone dealing with a toddler puking on the street, instead of walking by, it might be nice to offer help or to get water or something... luckily my mom came to my rescue to help get her some water so we could get home. Sigh. 
Okay, enough complaining, it's always better to be positive! 

This recipe originally comes from one of our "box moms." They are the women at the box who take care of everyone one, are like second moms to us, understand what it is like to run a house and workout and raise kids.....and this one happens to be the main-momma... the owners' mom. I have been feeling a little under the weather, so I took her recipe and simplified it with things that I had. Perfection.

This recipe is made of everything I usually have on hand- including a frozen bag of vegetables. Charlie loves these and the just corn steam-fresh kind, and although I know they are "starchy" vegetables, there are worse things she could eat and I will never complain about her eating her vegetables. 

Want to plan ahead? This recipe freezes really well, so this week I doubled it, put it in mason jars, and froze it so this winter when I am running low on lunches, or need a quick dinner, I can just re-heat the soup right in the jar, lid removed of course.

Beef and Vegetable Soup

(Printable Version)

- 1 lb Grass-fed Beef
- 16-oz Bag Frozen Mixed Vegetables (I used green beans, peas, carrots, and corn)
- 1/2 Onion, chopped
- 2 Garlic Cloves, minced
- 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
- 4 Cups Low- Sodium Beef Broth (or Stock)
- 1 14-oz Can Crushed/Diced Tomatoes (optional)

1. In a large pan, over medium heat, add a bit of oil or fat and saute the onions and garlic until soft (about 5 minutes.) 
2. Add the beef and cook it through, using a spoon to break it up as much as possible. Drain the fat.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!

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