
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weekend Breakfast Bake

I know this is true for most parents, working or not, mornings are busy. Very rarely do we have no where to go and nothing to do. On my work days, making an elaborate breakfast, or even sitting down to eat, isn't a possibility. Charlie and I already get up so early I really don't care to get up even 5 minutes sooner, and I am guessing neither does she. I usually eat my hash of some kind and we make her a "banana smoothie" which consists of a whole banana, one baby yogurt, a splash of milk, scoop of probiotic and a drop of vitamin D (Sometimes I throw in some spinach.) She helps me now and I love having her in the kitchen with me. Yes it is slower, yes it makes more of a mess, but teaching her how to prepare healthy food and establishing a healthy relationship with food, is something that I think only comes from having her in the kitchen with me.

I call this my "weekend" breakfast bake because I, in no way, have time to prepare this before work. I have made it on a Sunday and heated up a piece served with an avocado half before and that's a nice quick breakfast. When you first put it together it looks like not enough egg and too much broccoli, don't worry, veggies are good for you and the eggs puff up! 

Weekend Breakfast Bake

- Two broccoli crowns, chopped smaller than bite-sized florets
- 8 Eggs
- 4-6 Pieces of Bacon, thinly sliced
- 1/2 Sweet Onion, chopped
- Salt and Pepper

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

1. Saute the sliced bacon and onions over medium-high heat until crispy. 
2. While the bacon is cooking, chop the broccoli- I chop it into florets and then run my knife over the pieces several times. Whisk eggs and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Grease a pie pan, 8x8 baking dish or 11x7 baking dish... something smaller than the typical 9x13 :)
4. Pour the bacon and onions on the bottom. Top with the broccoli and pour the eggs over top.

5. Bake 30-35 minutes, until eggs are set. Store for during the week or enjoy immediately! 

I didn't grease my pan the first time.... oops! 

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