
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Crockpot Hawaiian Chicken

I just had my first major accident with Charlie where we had to rush to the ER and stitches were needed. I don't know if I can explain the sheer panic you feel seeing your child in pain and bleeding more than just a scrape. We had a great day celebrating Homecoming at MSU with family and friends and I was just getting her dinner ready. Literally putting her plate on her high chair tray and I heard a thud followed immediately by screaming, choking and vomit. Charlie had been sitting in her high chair waiting for dinner like she has done over a hundred times and my only guess is she leaned forward too far because the high chair literally flipped over (forward) and she hit her head on the table causing a cut right next to her eye and a bruised nose. I grabbed her and a wash cloth and carried her to the sink so she wouldn't keep throwing up all over herself. Blood was trickling down her face and she was dry heaving... one of the most horrible moments of my life to see my child like that. I called my mom as I was trying to change my puke-covered pants, freaking out, telling her to meet me at the hospital. I live only a few minutes away, but they are about a half hour. I sped the whole way, ran through a couple "yellow" lights (yes, I was panicking and she was crying and I can't handle that)...we valeted the car and were whisked to the pediatric ER because she could have hurt her head, back or neck in the fall. After the Dr. ruled out more serious damage they cleaned up her cut, again horrible, because she was just crying and saying, "momma" over and over. She needed stitches and I decided it was ok to give her a nasal sedative to make her relax and not remember the process because it was so close to her eye I didn't want her to move or it to not be done perfectly. After the numbing gel and that she was the funniest thing I had ever seen. She was showing the Dr.'s and nurses her muscles and giggling to herself.

My dad held her hands while they did the stitches because I couldn't watch and she was hiccuping and laughing the whole time. When we got home she was just out of sorts, still loopy, tired, hungry... what an ordeal. I laid on her floor until she fell asleep. I know far worse things have happened, but it doesn't make it any easier when it is the first thing like this that happens to your own child.

This was another favorite with Charlie girl. The slow cooked is seriously my go-to right now. It is making my life so much easier. For this dish, I added some fresh pineapple at the end because cooked and fresh have a different texture and flavor and I really think it make the dish that much better. We ate our with rice because she eats anything with rice.

Crockpot Hawaiian Chicken

- 2-3 Chicken Breasts, 1-1.5 in cubes (about 4 breasts)
- 3/4 Cup Pineapple Juice (no sugar added or fresh)
- 1/2 Cup Coconut Sugar
- 1/3 Cup Coconut Aminos (or gluten free Soy Sauce)
- 1 Pineapple, cored and cut into 1 inch cubes (divided)
- 1/2 Sweet Onion, chopped
- 1 Bell Pepper (any color)
- 1/4 Cup Lemon Juice, about 1/2 a lemon

1. Add half the pineapple and everything else except the arrowroot powder and water to the crockpot and mix well. Cook on low 2-3 hours.
2. When it is done, remove the chicken and pour the sauce into a sauce pan over high heat. Whisk the arrowroot and water together and stir into the sauce. Whisk while bring the sauce to a boil. It should thicken in minutes. Add the chicken back, the rest of the pineapple and stir.

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