
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Crockpot Butternut Squash and Beef Stew with Cauliflower Mash

Some of the leaves are already changing around my house and the weather has taken a turn from 90 degrees last week to 60s this week. Although I am sad to see summer go I really do love the changing of the seasons. It is even starting to smell like Fall. Those who have not lived in a climate with seasonal changes like Michigan might think I'm weird, but honestly there's a smell.

Work is starting to take its toll on me, on top of being sick, so I am putting my crock pot to good use this week. Butternut squash is a fall/winter vegetable here (actually it's technically a fruit)- sometimes it is called a butternut pumpkin. They can be really hard to cut so my mom suggested using a pumpkin carving knife... what do you know?! It works! I used a serrated knife that also worked on getting through that hard-to-cut flesh and that also worked better than a chef's knife. I choose butternut squash over sweet potatoes in this recipe because they hold up better in the cooking process without turning to mush and they remind me of pumpkins and the season.

The mash is something my sister introduced me too. It literally tastes like mashed potatoes. So good that I suggest doubling the recipe because the stew makes a lot. I would have doubled it but my food processor is crap and I was sick of dealing with it. But I packed it and my stew for lunch all week and it was better the next day.

Crockpot Butternut Squash and Beef Stew with Cauliflower Mash


- 1.5-2 lbs Stew Beef, 1 inch cubes
- 1/3 Cup Arrowroot Powder
- 1/2 Butternut Squash, peeled, seeded, diced into 1 inch pieces
- 2 Carrots, peeled, diced
- 1/2 Sweet Onion
- 2 Garlic Cloves, minced
- 3/4 Cup Beef Broth
- 1 Tbsp Fish Sauce (optional)
- 1/2 tsp Paprika
- 1/2 tsp Black Pepper

1. Place the beef in a crock pot and toss to coat with the arrowroot powder.
2. Chop and drop all the vegetables and the rest of the ingredients on top. No need to stir.

3. Cook and cover on high 4-6 hours or on low 10-12 hours.

Cauliflower Mash

- 1 head of Cauliflower, cut into florets
- 1 Cup Chicken Stock 
- 2 Garlic Cloves, mashed 
- 1/4 tsp Black Pepper

1. Place all of the ingredients in a sauce pan, bring to a boil and cover 15-20 minutes until cauliflower is tender.

2. Pour everything into a food processor and blend into the mixture is as smooth as you want it, scraping down the sides occasionally. If you want it thicker, reserve some of the broth from the pot and add more as needed. 

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