
Monday, August 4, 2014

Chicken and Avocado Salad

There are many differing opinions on baby monitors.... use them, don't use them, have the camera kind, don't have the camera, have the app so you can see them on your phone when you are out, etc. I started with the just sound kind but when I moved into my own house and am now sleeping on a different level then Charlie I wanted to be able to see her. It is reassuring to wake up in the night and just see that she is still there (I know, why wouldn't she be?) My parents made fun of me for getting one with a video but now when they babysit at night they are glued to it. Too cute. I also enjoy seeing the funny ways she sleeps...

This week I picked up a rotisserie chicken because they are cheap (~$5) and yield a lot of meat without me having to do anything besides pull it apart. The picture below is dark because I was prepping food after she went to bed... sorry! But I used the chicken, some avocado, a jalapeno from my garden and I didn't have a fresh lime so I used bottled juice (naughty) and after sitting over night this was a really tasty salad. I served it over cucumber and tomato just to give a different texture and because it is tomato season in Michigan so they are cheap and so flavorful right now.

Chicken and Avocado Salad

- 1 Rotisserie Chicken, shredded
- 1-2 Avocados, cut into bite sized pieces
- Juice of 1 Lime (~1/4 cup)
- Siracha (optional)
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
- 1 Jalapeno, finely chopped (optional)

1. Add everything to a bowl and mix. Taste for seasoning... a little coconut aminos (or gluten free soy sauce) would also be tasty if you think it needs salt :) I added some siracha to give it some spice but feel free to omit it. Let it chill over night or for a few hours.

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