
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Spicy Glazed Brussel Sprouts

I have my baby girl back! YAY!! The best sight was watching her sleep in her own bed, in my house, the first night she came home. The hug I got from her the second she saw me was the second best thing. I don't know how to explain how not myself I felt this week. My house was too quiet, my days to focused on whatever I wanted to do- it isn't that she is my identity, but I like my life with her in it, she makes me a better person.

This summer I am excited to have more than just herbs growing in my garden! I have a wild black raspberry bush that is going crazy with fruit and aside from the thorns I am loving having it. I added some to my granola all weekend- yum!

My jalapenos are also producing like crazy and I was looking for some ways to use them. After my large Costco run I had a bag of brussel sprouts to use as well. I usually roast them with garlic and thought why not try them with jalapenos too? The result? So good. It is important to keep my veggie intake high, so any new way to prepare them is a priority. If you haven't tried brussel sprouts since childhood, try them again roasted. You might find you like them better than the mushy version you may have had as a kid. The first time I made these I used one jalapeno because Charlie was eating them too. The second time I added two, if you are sensitive to heat, remove the seeds and membrane before roasting.

Spicy Glazed Brussel Spouts

(Printable Version)

- 1-1.5 lbs Brussel Spouts, rinsed, botoms cut off and halved
- 1-2 Jalapenos, finely chopped
- 2 Garlic cloves, minced
- 2 Tbsp Oil
- 2 tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Pepper
- 1 Tbsp Honey

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

1. Toss  all of the ingredients except the honey together on a cookie sheet.

2. Roast for 17-20 minutes. Stir them around 10 minutes.
3. When they are firm but tender, pull them out of the oven, drizzle with honey and enjoy. 

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