
Monday, July 21, 2014

Paleo Almond Chocolate Treats

My sister, Mara, and I did a CrossFit competition this past weekend. It was Battle of the Sexes and the teams were either F-F or M-M. Men's weights were heavier, but the WODs and body weight movements were the same so male and female teams were competing against each other. We had a lot of fun and our box had a lot of teams there. It is interesting that when you start to do competitions you become friends with, or at least recognize, a lot of the same people. It is always inspiring to see so many fit people in one location.

Mara and I bet her boyfriend Alex and his partner Tim that we could beat them.... well we didn'! So I told them I would make them a treat. Here they are... I may or may not have had to make them more than once because I ate too many.

 I used dried blueberries and raw whole almonds, but any dried fruit or nut would work. I made some with no fruit at all too. I also line my cookie sheet with parchment paper and put it in the freezer for a few hours before making these so the chocolate starts to harden right away and doesn't run all over the sheet.

Paleo Almond Chocolate Treats

- 1 Cup Non-Dairy Chocolate (such as Enjoy Life Chocolate Chunks)
- 15-20 Whole Raw Almonds
- 1/4 Cup Dried Blueberries (about 3 per chocolate)
- 1 tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
- 1 tsp Vanilla
- Sea Salt

1. Mix the chocolate, cocoa powder, and vanilla together. Either use a double-boiler, or microwave if you are feeling lazy and melt the chocolate, stirring until smooth.
2. Using a tablespoon, place small mounds of chocolate on a cookie sheet. Doing about 4 at a time because the chocolate will start to harden, gently put an almond and a few blueberries on each mound. Sprinkle with a touch of sea salt.
3. Put the cookie sheet in the freezer for about 30 minutes until the chocolates harden completely. Store either in the freezer or fridge. 

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