
Monday, May 19, 2014

Asian Marinated Steak Kabobs

I had a great time at Central East Regionals this past weekend. We had a team and two individuals competing... it was also impressive to see the people I have been following compete in person. They are incredible. Our box's own Mikki Nuccio placed 8th overall... so proud of her! This weekend showed me even more how badly I want to go and compete next year. Wanting something isn't good enough though, I have to be prepared to work really hard and have no regrets when the open comes next year that I didn't do everything I could- failure after not trying hard enough is so much worse than trying hard and failing- I have to take away excuses, worry about what I can control, and give it my all.

It was also Charlie's birthday and I am sad that I wasn't with her. How did I cope? I had it set in my mind that it wasn't her birthday, I am doing a mini-party with my parents and sister this weekend so I am pretending it is then. I get that she doesn't know it is her birthday yet, but it is still heart-wrenching because she's my little girl. I also laid off the alcohol this weekend so as not to become an emotional, blubbering mess. :)

For Mother's Day my incredible parents bought me a grill. Now that Michigan has finally decided it can be summer I tried grilling by myself for the first time in my life. I know I didn't get a charcoal grill, but let's be honest, I would use a charcoal grill so much less that one that lights with the push of a button!

I realize that steak prices are increasing it seems lately, so feel free to choose a different cut of meat. I just love flank steak... skirt steak is a good alternate though. I set up my prep station outside so I could watch Charlie in her new sand/water table!

Asian Marinated Steak Kabobs

(Printable Version)

- 1.5 lbs Flank Steak
- 2 Tbsp Sesame Oil (plus more for grill)
- 2 Tbsp Gluten-free Soy Sauce (or coconut aminos)
- 1 Tbsp Fish Sauce
- 1 Tbsp Lime Juice
- 1 tsp Ginger, minced
- 1 Garlic clove, minced
- 1 Pineapple, cored and chunked
- 1/2 Onion, sliced in quarters
- 1 Jalapeno, seeded and sliced

1. Whisk oil through garlic and rub, toss the steak in it. Cover and place in the fridge 6 hours or overnight.

2. Slice the steak into cubes. Alternate onion, jalapeno, pineapple and steak on a skewer... in using wood skewers soak over night! This makes 8-10 kabobs.

3. Rub with a little more oil so they don't stick. Grill over Medium to Medium-high heat 5 minutes on the first side, flip and grill another 3min... I like my steak a little more done than most... must be the vegetarian still in me!

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