
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Quick and Easy Paleo Granola/Cereal

From being vegetarian I know that products that are supposed to replace there "real" version are not the same. Ground Soy crumbles and vegetable burgers are not the same as an actual beef hamburger off the grill, sorry. I have found the same to be true with Paleo recipes and products. I think a lot of it with condiments is that my palate is used to the sugar in the non-Paleo versions so the Paleo one just isn't the same... I shall rephrase... I need to get my palate used to natural flavors and not artificial crap that I have subjected it to for years.

I have been craving cereal. Watching Charlie eat her Raisin Bran or Cheerios in the morning makes me wish I was eating some cold and crunchy too. It also made me think why am I not having her eat non-processed, natural sugar cereal also?!? Duh! Turns out the expensive granola in the store is expensive for no reason. I mean, the nuts are pricey, but I got mine in the bulk section and two of the three were on sale so I stocked up and will keep them in the freezer until ready. This recipe makes a lot... I am sharing with my mom and sister. The largest container is a mason jar, the smallest a jelly jar, and this is all of the granola I made in one batch. Because Paleo doesn't have serving sizes I am guessing this is 8-10 servings. 

Ideas for eating it: with almond milk, with my "ice cream" recipe, with berries and milk, with plain chia seed pudding... or literally just as a snack!

I mixed it in a large bowl with a spatula... it doesn't have to be perfect. 

Paleo Granola

(Printable Version)

Makes 8-10 servings
Preheat oven to 350 Degrees

- 1 cup Sliced Almond
- 1 cup Chopped Pecan pieces
- 1 cup Chopped Walnut pieces
- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
- 1 cup Dried Fruit (I used unsweetened cranberries- but you can use raisin, dried cherries, etc.)
- 1 tsp. Vanilla
- 1/4 Maple Syrup
- 1/2 tsp. Salt
- 2 Tbsp Nut Butter (I used sunbutter)

1. In a big bowl mix all of the ingredients. 
2. Pour onto a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 15-20 minutes stirring half way through. The color will be a golden brown.
3. Let it cool completely and store in air-tight containers. 


  1. The batch of granola that you let me try was oh so good, Ashley! I can't wait to make some of my own soon. Yum!

  2. I made this over the weekend! So good. I have been missing cereal too and this helped with that craving.

    1. Perfect! I like to mix it up and use dried cranberries and more coconut and different nut mixes too :)
